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Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society Blog

A Space for Learning and Connecting!

Home: Welcome

Mission Statement

Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society educates the public about the local archaeological resources and advocates the preservation of these sites.

Home: About

Recent News

GARS is going digital!

KDeeley giving talk.png

Monthly Blog Posts

The current social distancing regulations prevent GARS members from meeting monthly to listen to speakers. This page serves as a space for speakers to give their talks as blog posts!

Forum for Members

In addition to allowing speakers to share their research, this page hosts a forum to allow for discussion among members that would ordinarily take place in monthly meetings. Topics for discussion include future events and research ideas to further the GARS mission of promoting archaeological research and protecting sites.

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Home: Recent News

Contact Us

2505 Braselton Highway
Buford, GA 30519

Home: Contact

©2020 by Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society

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